Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Science Fair Time!

Well Jacob and Diana are working on their Science fair project. Jacob is "testing" 5 different type of chewing gum's and seeing which gum has the longest flavor. Martha "Diana" Stewart's project is "Which soil will help Carrots grow faster". Some day she will have her own "How to" show. I just hope she spreads the love $$$$$. Sophia is not doing a Science fair project, but she really wanted to start a Herb Garden so that she can help me cook with fresh herbs (not like her brother's FRESH herbs). EEEEWWWW.. Ok that was a bit much. Well, I have to run back down stairs because who knows if I leave Jacob alone with the glue stick ANYTHING could happen!


1 comment:

One Tired Mom said...

Is everyone doing projects but carlos Rey? Why am I upset, less work for me.