Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Okay Roxie here's the 411...
1. 10 years ago: I was on my way to see my true love... alberto!
2. 5 things on my to-do list today: Drive a tractor (haha), go to walmart, pick up kids, feed kids & drink some wine!
3. Snacks I enjoy: WINE... (oh that's not a snack) Jalapeno Cheetos!
4.What would I do if I suddenly became a billionaire: Pay off my house, give mom and dad a big ol chunk of money, hire a nanny!
5. 5 places I have lived: Albuquerque, Colorado Springs, Austin Texas and that's it!
6. 5 jobs that I have had: Diaper Changer, Booboo fixer, wife, tractor driver (haha), friend!
7. 5 Random Things people don't know about me: I like to drive tractors (ok I'm gonna stop that now) I like to sing really loud. I like to dance (not very well).

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